Evolving Networks for the Hybrid Workforce: A Data-Driven Look

Hybrid work models are transforming how we use office space and network resources. Recent data from Colt’s London office showcases this change: Even with a drastic drop in devices connected to the network, bandwidth demands have surged, illustrating the resource intensity of modern work practices.

Sharp Increase in Bandwidth Amid Hybrid Shift

From 720 devices in 2020 to just 115 in 2023, Colt House saw a 139% rise in peak bandwidth consumption, from 120Mbps to a striking 287Mbps. This leap, alongside a 1066% increase in video conferencing use, which now takes up 47% of network usage, reflects the critical role of reliable, high-capacity networks to support common hybrid work applications.

The Impact on IT Infrastructure

This dramatic increase underscores the necessity for IT infrastructure that can dynamically accommodate varying levels of network traffic, ensuring that businesses can handle busy periods without compromising on performance or efficiency.

Colt’s Response to Hybrid Demands

Colt’s agile network solutions, such as On Demand, provide a responsive approach to these challenges, offering scalable capacity that aligns with real-time usage. Moreover, the implementation of Zscaler’s zero-trust security product illustrates a dual commitment to robust security and network optimization, with secure web usage climbing by 72%.

As hybrid work continues to redefine the workplace, Colt’s data insights affirm the growing need for adaptable, secure network infrastructures capable of supporting an increasingly remote and digital workforce. Building and maintaining such responsive networks are now a staple for modern businesses, ensuring operational resilience and optimal user experience.